Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pazhalsta Kenya!

So here I am in Kenya, finally settled down enough to write a blog post. I figure you have to be pretty well settled down to start ignoring things like the ironing and cooking to write a blog post.

But here I am, in Kijabe, exploring the town, eating sour porridge, drinking tea. Maybe a little update on my life: I'm staying in a three bedroom flat, and nobody else is occupying it at the time, so it's just me, and it's very spacious, and has a great kitchen. I'll have a roommate by tomorrow though, and he'll be here a week, but the flat is great.

The best part? It's on the 3rd floor, and the living room has a large window that looks out onto the rift valley. I wake up every morning, and look outside and it looks like I just beat the Oregon Trail.

Today I was shown around the town by one of my co-workers, we took a walk around the surrounding area and saw some baboons. Apparently, they're like deer in ohio, in the morning they might be there eating the grass on your lawn. (or in the case of the baboon, eating the onions you planted.) Anyway, if anyone's sending me a package, one of those lazer guns from the movie Congo would be nice. 

Also, how great is it that my favorite drink of all time, Coca-Cola, is available everywhere! (And it's so cheap here! and comes in glass bottles. We should all be so lucky)


  1. Love your new blog--so interesting to hear about your new place and experiences!

  2. Love your new blog--yeah! Your flat sounds better than expected, and I love hearing about your experiences. Keep the news coming!

  3. Sounds so exciting! Glad you're settling in! Can't wait for more blog updates!

  4. watch out for hot sauce in your coke!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hey glad you settled in, and sounds like you are staying in the flat that we did! are you staying on the one to the left when you walk up to the 3rd floor? I think there's a retired doctor staying across from you who graduated from osu med school (i recall he is staying for half a year so should still be there). - Henry (not sure why it shows up as Z)

  7. So they're speaking Russian in Kenya now... I guess I can never keep up with the changes. Go Coke in glass bottles. Go Kenya. Go Africa. Go Alan. Go Oregon Trail. Go!

    ps i love you


  8. Its so good to hear about your African adventures! Yay for blogs...apparently I became your first follower...sounds creepy, but its my first step into the internet blog world...yay!

  9. Pazhasta must mean "this is all you get" in Kenyan, thus explaining the lack of future posts. Dad
