Sunday, March 7, 2010

Okay, wait, if we were one of Europe's greatest leaders, and we were stranded in Nairobi for one day, where would we go?

This weekend I had no plans, and was thinking about laying around all day, but instead, I caught a ride to Village Market in Nairobi. It's a big, super nice mall on the nice side of town, and here's how my day went:

I caught a ride into town from the people I'm staying with, the Janders, who are great, gracious people. I got to the mall a little early, so I stopped off at a cafe for breakfast and some reading.

And then I walked around village market. It's beautiful, and there's a waterfall flowing through the center of it. (the following panoramic shots are dedicated to my brother Ryan and my friend Carl, who can't get enough of it)

But I could only walk around the mall so long before I got bored. Luckily, the mall also has a water park!!

The water park has pretty much no rules, I only saw one sign that said "no standing up on the slides". It was great. You could go down the sides backwards or forwards or spinning around on your back the whole way. I also ran into another family from a sister hospital of Kijabe (the one I'm working at) so I had some friends to race down slides with. (Sure, my "friends" were a 5 year old and his 7 year old brother, but deep down, everyone riding on a waterslide is between 5 and 7 at heart.)

After about 4 hours of watersliding, I went back to the food court to get something to eat. I ordered some Thai bean curd. It was delicious, and it was spicy. One of the best things about Africa is that when you say you want something spicy, you actually get it spicy.

This is me tearing up, maybe a little too spicy.

And in case you were wondering, yes, those are topiary animals in the background.

What a day.


  1. Thanks for the panoramas on the last 2 posts.


  2. Unbelievable. Where in the world can I find a water slide without the no standing up rule?

    It just adds to the legend, that must be the most dangerous thing you can ever do on a water slide. And thus, the coolest.

  3. Reading Doctor Zhivago and watersliding for 4 hours in the same day...1 more successful step to becoming the most interesting man in the universe.

  4. I throughly enjoyed this post. Nice pictures.

  5. I'm wondering if people plan to water slide and bring suits when they go shopping, or just go sliding/shopping in whatever. Looks like a blast!
