Monday, June 15, 2009

Odd happenings today

So, here are just some tidbits from today that I thought I'd share.

I was walking down to the SupaDuka, to buy some flour and milk and stuff. And when I'm checking out, the lady who runs the place (who usually has a small calculator to sum up my purchases) whips out a TI-83plus calculator. I mean, this thing can do graphing and everything. I didn't buy near enough to be able to use the functions of this calculator. She told me that a student at Kijabe boy's school was taking a test today, and had traded her calculators for the day, because he wasn't allowed to use that fancy one on the test.

As I was walking back to my flat, I did a little accidental time travelling. Something about walking back with groceries took me back to when I was a little kid. I'd visit my grandmother maybe once a week, and we'd walk to the grocery store, buy lunch, and head back. I'm not sure what it was, but something about walking back triggered those old memories. Maybe because after I was done buying regular things at the grocery, I let myself pick out a treat (an ice cold coke). It was just an odd thought, I'm pretty sure my grandmother never imagined that I'd be getting groceries in Africa.

I plan on having an entry about the books I've been reading soon, but I'll share this short story first. I've been reading a lot of science fiction. I stole a book of Heinlein's short stories from my friend Noah before I left. So... a lot of them are about space travel, and such. 

Anyway, today I was cooking dinner for myself, and the thought just hit me, "I can't believe I'm in outer space." Now, I'm sure my mind started that off with thinking "I can't believe I'm in africa." but I guess unconcious desire gets the best of all of us.


  1. A transformer grocery store named SupaDuka... time travel... outer space... that's an Africa sci-fi safari. It would be cool if you had a dream about Hungry, Hungry Hippos and they were eating the planets instead of those white marbles.

  2. Dear Alan,

    Your blog rocks.


  3. This entry isn't about Nairobi. How am I supposed to follow the plot of this thing when your "Next time on my blog" thing isn't accurate. I don't even know, nor care who has the nuclear launch codes anymore.
